The I AM ME Project The LGBTQ+ teen community often faces unique and challenging struggles on their journey towards self-discovery and acceptance. These young individuals frequently grapple with the fear of rejection from family and peers, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Navigating through an environment that might lack understanding or awareness about their identities can result in mental health strains, including depression and anxiety. Bullying and discrimination further compound these difficulties, making educational and social settings potential sources of stress. Despite these challenges, LGBTQ+ teens display remarkable resilience, courageously advocating for their rights and seeking out supportive communities both online and offline. The road to self-acceptance and societal acknowledgment can be tough, but their unwavering strength continues to inspire positive change and greater inclusivity for generations to come.
This is where I come in. All I want is to help in some way, big or small. I want to incorporate my love for photography with the love I have for this amazing community of people. Harnessing the power of photography, we can illuminate the experiences of LGBTQ+ teens and provide them with a profound outlet for self-expression and healing. Through the lens, these young individuals can capture their personal narratives, struggles, triumphs, and identities, creating a visual language that transcends words alone. Photography not only empowers LGBTQ+ teens to reclaim their narratives but also fosters empathy and understanding among peers, families, and society at large. By supporting initiatives that encourage LGBTQ+ teens to explore their creativity through photography, we can offer them a transformative tool to navigate their challenges, communicate their emotions, and cultivate a sense of belonging in a world that is still learning to embrace diversity.
The I AM ME project by Nicole French Photography invites LGBTQ+ teens and their PROUD parents to join this fall for fun photography experiences that are full of LOVE, PEACE and ACCEPTANCE. Come as you are. Be who you are. Let’s photograph where you are at in this moment in your life. Look back at how amazingly brave and loved you are over and over again.
When you get your child involved in positive, uplifting and supportive activities, they will flourish like never before.
The I AM ME project is for LGBTQ+ high school seniors looking for amazing colorful and creative senior experiences that showcase their unique spirit. The right teens to join should expect:
to meet new like-minded friends.
to showcase the real, you!
to learn posing.
to showcase your talents.
to take gorgeous images!
THIS is your senior year photos. MAKE THEM AS AMAZING AS YOU!
"We must recognize that LGBTQ young people face stressors simply for being who they are that their peers never have to worry about." Amit Paley (he/him) CEO & Executive Director, The Trevor Project